Brent Palmer – Brent Palmer

All posts by Brent Palmer

Why It Rocks To Be An Entrepreneur Right Now!

Working for yourself isn’t all a bed of roses, but then again, neither is working for someone else! I know which challenges I would prefer to have!

So what can you expect when becoming an entrepreneur?

1. Time

Time takes on a whole new meaning for those running their own businesses. It’s usually a positive change, but here’s the reality:

– You don’t have to be in a factory or at a desk for a specified number of hours per day
– You can start and finish work pretty much anytime you want to
– You will work longer and harder than ever before (if you want to succeed of course)
– You will be able to work around your own timetable – you’ll be able to stay home with your kids if they’re young, be at their school concerts, mid-week sporting events and anything else where they need you.

2. Control

Whether control is a scary word for you, or something that drives you insane because you don’t feel you have enough of it, be prepared for much more control as an entrepreneur! Apart from control over your time, you’ll also have control over:

– Where your business goes – the work you put in will finally have something to show for it
– Your own future – no more annual reviews, arguments with a boss, missing out on promotions, wage cuts etc.
– Your own destiny – you can take as much risk as you’re comfortable with (although as an entrepreneur you need to quickly become very comfortable with taking risks!), and you can also take advantage of as many opportunities that present themselves.

3. Hard work

While there are so many benefits to running your own business, no successful entrepreneur will ever say that it’s easy. Sure, you work to your own schedule and prioritize what’s important to you… but that comes at the price of hard work. Longer hours, greater challenges, more risk, a steep learning curve are all to be expected. But you know what? All of that pays off for you – not someone else! And there is a big difference between being forced to work by someone else and deciding to work for yourself.

4. Purpose

Anyone who now runs their own business has probably worked for someone else at one point and couldn’t stand the gradual erosion of work satisfaction (if it was ever there in the first place!). Working for someone else sucks – let’s face it. Their priorities, their decisions, their agenda – when did you ever feel satisfied with your day?

As your own boss you only have yourself to blame if you’re not feeling satisfied or fulfilled (and it probably just means you’re ready for the next big challenge!).

You will suddenly have a whole new purpose – creating a life and a future that really means something to you… not to someone else.

5. Work with awesome people

You get to pick who you work with and who you don’t! Remember those awful co-workers, bosses, clients and suppliers – goodbye!

Picking your own team, and your own clients, can be a really empowering process and it will evolve over time. But the bottom line is that if you don’t like working with someone, you can quite easily change it and call the shots.

6. Freedom

Apart from freedom over your own schedule, you’ll also enjoy the freedom to choose things like:

– Which clients you work with, and don’t
– Whether you take on a project or not
– How much you charge
– Where you work – you can easily become location independent and work anywhere!
– How much and how often you work.

7. A legacy

You’ll no longer be part of the corporate workforce, on the hamster wheel of long shifts or just another number on the factory floor. You’ll be showing your kids that what you do matters.

Let your children see you create something amazing. They’ll also see you fail along the way, and that’s a great lesson too. Because they’ll see you get up and try again and again. Instead of just doing what everyone else does, they will see you rise above and do something really meaningful. You’ll definitely inspire them (even if they never admit it!).

8. Being part of the future of work

Working for someone else is quickly becoming a thing of the past. It’s estimated that by 2020, 50% of the workforce will be self-employed.

It’s an out-dated notion to expect that a job will last forever. Why put your future in someone else’s hands? Get ahead of the curve and create your own destiny instead of waiting around for someone else to decide your fate.

Notice we haven’t even really mentioned money? If you think being an entrepreneur is just about the money, then you’ve missed the point. Money is important of course, and chances are if you work hard, you will make all the money you want, but that’s just a result of your hard work, tenacity and focus.

The Future is Network Marketing

There’s a good chance that someone you know is in the network marketing business. From cosmetics to kitchen accessories, healthcare and fitness, there is a direct sales company out there leveraging their raving fan base of customers to market their products.

It’s the future of doing business in the digitally connected world.

Why network marketing?

Think about it from the perspective of the owner of that product (or service); would you prefer to pay for a physical store, stock inventory, hire staff, pay for advertising and only grow one store at a time?

Of course, this is how many successful household names began, but a network marketing company thinks differently – instead of physical stores, they have people – avid consumers (perhaps?) of their products – raving about them to their friends and family. Instead of slow growth limited to one area, a network marketing company can reach thousands, even millions of customers in a very quick space of time. And the customer wins too – instead of paying rent for a storefront and a stockroom full of inventory, the savings can be passed on and the customer receives a product they can trust, at the best price.

If you’re thinking about becoming a network marketer, here are some of the positive things that you can expect from your business (with hard work and focus of course).

What are the benefits?

Limited risk

Usually someone can launch their network marketing business with just a few hundred dollars, sometimes even less. This is far less daunting than approaching the bank for a business loan for tens or hundreds of thousands that you have no guarantee you will be able to pay back. Network marketing gets you on the entrepreneurial journey easily, and at relatively low risk. Of course, there is an element of risk when you go it alone, but most people who succeed agree that the initial small outlay is completely worth it in the long run.

A bit of extra money… for starters

Starting a traditional business is often an all or nothing venture. And it rarely pays off in the early years at all. But network marketing allows you to dip your toe into the entrepreneurial world first, and gives you a taste of what your life could easily become. A couple of extra dollars here, then a couple of hundred dollars, then a mortgage payment, then a full salary – it’s crazy how quick a lot of people are motivated to make it work for them full time – and that’s the great thing – you can do it at your own pace.

A taste for the big bucks

Any successful network marketer is usually quite proud of how much they make – because they have worked so hard to create something for themselves and their family. It’s not all about the money of course, but it is a big part of it, and one of the most appealing things about network marketing is the potential to earn whatever you want. Not what your boss thinks you’re worth. Not that measly 2% annual increase. Not your industry pay cap. You get paid for the time, effort and determination you put in – and if there’s no limit on your input, then your earning potential will be limitless too.

Use the latest technology

This might not sound appealing to everyone starting out on their own, but the benefits can be pretty awesome. You can literally grow your business from your Smartphone, with very little tech know-how. Video messenger services, online payment portals, social media marketing tools are all instantly and easily available and will become the best tools to quickly grow your business. It also means you can work pretty much anywhere (with a wifi connection of course). The freedom you can gain from this way of working is not to be underestimated (see below point).

Work in your pjs, from the beach, the poolside, or your sofa

That cliché of working from home in your pjs does have some truth in it – you can run your business from home, or anywhere you choose. It means you don’t ever have to ask someone else when you can take time off, or negotiate with colleagues over who gets Thanksgiving or Christmas with their kids this year.

Yes, you might have to check your emails before hitting the beach on vacation – but it’s a vacation that’s probably been paid for by your hard work on your business and no one is going to be deciding when that holiday is over except you!

These are just some of the many benefits enjoyed by network marketers. But if you’re more of a facts and figures kind of person, let’s just leave these here…

In 2015, network marketing (direct sales) reached $183.7 billion in Revenue

Roughly $73.4 billion (40%), was paid directly to distributors via commissions…

[That’s $6.1 billion per month and $201 million every day – 365 days a year!]

So what are you waiting for?

Your Guide to Choosing The Best Home Business Opportunity

Choosing a Home-Based Business Opportunity is a big deal. NOBODY wants to spend a couple of years building a business only to find you have made a mistake in the business or the team you have decided to choose.

The purpose of this short blog post is to give you the factors to consider when choosing the home business opportunity to invest in.

1. Leader

One  of the key factors in your success in a Home Business Opportunity will be the strengths, and weaknesses of the leader you are working with. Many people’s first experience with a Home Business is one where they’ve been introduced by a friend or family member. Before jumping in and losing a friendship or destroying a family relationship, take a moment to learn a little about the leader who they are working with and what support you should expect.

2. Start Up Costs

Start up costs can range from a meal out for the family, to an iPhone to a used car! Don’t be fooled in to spending more on a Start Up Package than you can afford. Reputable Home Business Opportunities won’t load you with inventory, and there are plenty of options where you don’t need to hold ANY of your own inventory. Are you ready to ship out samples, and products to people – does that work for you?

3. Passionate about product or benefits

Passionate is infectious, whether that be being passionate about a brand or a product or service that has changed your life. Those who are successful in home based businesses are generally AVID fans of the products they sell – they truly believe in the quality of the products they sell, and as such inspire confidence in others in the products.

Is this really a product you are going to use, does it really match the sort of people you’d like to have join your team in the future? What’s unique about the product, what makes it stand out from its competitors – do your research – try the product!

4. Know the requirements –

One thing that hurts a lot of people going in to home-based businesses, is not knowing the requirements for the business. How much do you need to know about the content supporting your products? Do you need to be an expert in essential oils? Do you need space for inventory? Do you need to create product videos? Do you need to put yourself out there with weight loss results?

5. Culture

Culture is such an overlooked factor when it comes to choosing a great home based business. If you are deeply religious and the business meets on Sundays it will not necessarily be a good fit for you. What are the leaders like, what are the corporate VPs and Presidents of various units like – are they your sort of people?

How do the promoters spend a Saturday night? At the club or round a meeting table?

REMEMBER – there is no right or wrong answer to these questions, it’s simply a case of looking at your options – and choosing your Business Opportunity Wisely!